Amiga CD32

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Nombre de jeux 165
Nombre de scans 1301
Revues de presse 0
Note moyenne 13.1
Année de sortie 1993
Constructeur Amiga
Génération 5

TOP 10 des Jeux Amiga CD32

Lemmings #1 - Lemmings
Amiga CD32 - Stratégie
Cannon Fodder #2 - Cannon Fodder
Amiga CD32 - Stratégie
Alien Breed: Tower Assault #3 - Alien Breed: Tower Assault
Amiga CD32 - Survival-horror
International Karate + : The Ultimate Fighting Game #4 - International Karate + : The Ultimate Fighting Game
Amiga CD32 - Combat
Heimdall 2 #5 - Heimdall 2
Amiga CD32 - Jeu de Rôle
000.Amiga CD32.000 #6 - 000.Amiga CD32.000
Amiga CD32 - Communication
Exile #7 - Exile
Amiga CD32 - Aventure
The Chaos Engine #8 - The Chaos Engine
Amiga CD32 - Action
Rise of the Robots #9 - Rise of the Robots
Amiga CD32 - Combat
Dangerous Streets #10 - Dangerous Streets
Amiga CD32 - Combat

Jeux Amiga CD32 populaires

Kingpin : Arcade Sports Bowling #1 - Kingpin : Arcade Sports Bowling
Amiga CD32 - Sport
Myth : History in the Making #2 - Myth : History in the Making
Amiga CD32 - Plates-formes
Microcosm #3 - Microcosm
Amiga CD32 - Shoot\'em\'Up
Fears #4 - Fears
Amiga CD32 - FPS
Pierre Le Chef Is ... Out To Lunch #5 - Pierre Le Chef Is ... Out To Lunch
Amiga CD32 - Plates-formes
Theme Park #6 - Theme Park
Amiga CD32 - Gestion
Whale's Voyage #7 - Whale's Voyage
Amiga CD32 - Jeu de Rôle
Skeleton Krew #8 - Skeleton Krew
Amiga CD32 - Action
Liberation : Captive II #9 - Liberation : Captive II
Amiga CD32 - FPS
Super League Manager #10 - Super League Manager
Amiga CD32 - Gestion

Tous les Jeux Video Amiga CD32

000.Amiga CD32.000 Communication 1993 70%
Akira Aventure 1994 N/C
Alfred Chicken Plates-formes 1993 N/C
Alien Breed 3D FPS 1995 N/C
Alien Breed Special Edition / Qwak Compilation 1994 N/C
Alien Breed: Tower Assault Survival-horror 1994 85%
All Terrain Racing Course 1995 N/C
Arabian Nights Plates-formes 1993 N/C
Arcade Pool Sport 1994 N/C
Banshee Shoot\'em\'Up 1994 N/C
Base Jumpers Plates-formes 1995 N/C
Battle Chess Jeu de société 1994 N/C
Battletoads Beat\'em\'All 1994 N/C
Beavers Plates-formes 1994 N/C
Beneath a Steel Sky Aventure 1994 N/C
Benefactor Réflexion 1994 N/C
Brian The Lion Starring In Rumble In The Jungle Plates-formes 2014 N/C
Brutal : Paws Of Fury Combat n/c N/C
Brutal Football : Brutal Sports Series Sport 1994 N/C
Bubba 'n' Stix Plates-formes 1994 N/C
Bubble And Squeak Plates-formes 1994 N/C
Bump n' Burn Course 1994 N/C
Cannon Fodder Stratégie 1994 90%
Castles II : Siege And Conquest Stratégie 1993 N/C
Cedric and the Lost Sceptre Plates-formes n/c N/C
Chambers of Shaolin Combat 1993 N/C
Chuck Rock Plates-formes 1994 N/C
Chuck Rock II : Son of Chuck Plates-formes 1994 N/C
Clockwiser : Time Is Running Out.... Puzzle game n/c N/C
D/Generation Aventure 1993 N/C
Dangerous Streets Combat 1993 10%
Dangerous Streets / Wing Commander Compilation 1994 N/C
Dark Seed Aventure 1994 N/C
Death Mask FPS 1994 N/C
Deep Core Plates-formes 1993 N/C
Defender Of The Crown II Stratégie 1993 N/C
Dennis Plates-formes 1993 N/C
Diggers Puzzle game 1993 N/C
Diggers & Oscar Compilation 1993 N/C
Disposable Hero Shoot\'em\'Up 1994 N/C
Donk ! : The Samurai Duck! Plates-formes 1994 N/C
Dragonstone Jeu de Rôle 1995 N/C
Emerald Mines Stratégie 1994 N/C
Erben Der Erde : Die Grosse Suche Point & click n/c N/C
Exile Aventure 1995 60%
Fears FPS 1995 N/C
Fields Of Glory : The Battlefield Action and... Stratégie 1994 N/C
Fightin' Spirit Combat 1996 N/C
Fire & Ice : The Daring Adventures Of Cool... Plates-formes 1994 N/C
Fire Force Action 1994 N/C
Flink Plates-formes 1995 N/C
Fly Harder Shoot\'em\'Up 1994 N/C
Frontier : Elite II Simulateur de vol 1993 N/C
Fury of the Furries Plates-formes 1994 N/C
Gamers' Delight Compilation n/c N/C
Global Effect Stratégie 1994 N/C
Gloom FPS 1995 N/C
Grandslam Gamer Gold Collection Compilation n/c N/C
Guardian Shoot\'em\'Up 1994 N/C
Gulp ! Réflexion 1994 N/C
Gunship 2000 : The Multi-Helicopter Gunship... Simulateur de vol 1994 N/C
Heimdall 2 Jeu de Rôle 1994 80%
HeroQuest II : Legacy of Sorasil Jeu de Rôle 1994 N/C
Humans III : Evolution - Lost in Time Réflexion 1996 N/C
Impossible Mission 2025 : The Special Edition Plates-formes 1994 N/C
International Karate + : The Ultimate Fighting... Combat 1994 85%
International Open Golf Championship Sport 1993 N/C
Introducing .... the Humans Compilation 1994 N/C
James Pond 2: Robocod Plates-formes 1993 N/C
James Pond 3 : Operation Starfi5h Plates-formes 1994 N/C
Jetstrike Shoot\'em\'Up 1994 N/C
John Barnes European Football Sport 1994 N/C
Jungle Strike : The Sequel to Desert Strike Action 1994 N/C
Kang Fu Plates-formes 1996 N/C
Kid Chaos Plates-formes 1994 N/C
Kingpin : Arcade Sports Bowling Sport 1995 N/C
Lamborghini : American Challenge Course 1994 N/C
Last Ninja 3 Aventure 1994 N/C
Legends Jeu de Rôle 1996 N/C
Lemmings Stratégie 1994 90%
Liberation : Captive II FPS 1994 N/C
Litil Devil Aventure 1994 N/C
Mag !!! Stratégie n/c N/C
Manchester United : Premier League Champions Sport 1994 N/C
Marvin's Marvellous Adventure Plates-formes 1995 N/C
Mean Arenas Action 1994 N/C
Microcosm Shoot\'em\'Up 1994 N/C
Morph Plates-formes 1993 N/C
Myth : History in the Making Plates-formes 1994 N/C
Naughty Ones Action 1994 N/C
Nick Faldo's Championship Golf Sport 1994 N/C
Nigel Mansell's World Championship Sport 1993 N/C
Oscar Plates-formes 1993 N/C
Overkill & Lunar-C Compilation 1993 N/C
Paws Of Fury Combat 1995 N/C
PGA European Tour Sport 1995 N/C
Pierre Le Chef Is ... Out To Lunch Plates-formes 1994 N/C
Pinball Fantasies Flipper 1993 N/C
Pinball Illusions Flipper 1995 N/C
Pinball Prelude Flipper 1996 N/C
Pirates ! Gold Point & click 1994 N/C
Power Drive Course 1994 N/C
Premiere Plates-formes 1994 N/C
Prey : An Alien Encounter Aventure 1994 N/C
Project-X / F17 Challenge Compilation 1994 N/C
Project-X / Ultimate Body Blows Compilation 1994 N/C
Quik Plates-formes 1994 N/C
Rise of the Robots Combat 1994 25%
Roadkill Course 1994 N/C
Ryder Cup : Johnnie Walker Sport 1993 N/C
Sabre Team Action 1994 N/C
Seek and Destroy Shoot\'em\'Up 1994 N/C
Sensible Soccer : European Champions Sport 1993 N/C
Sensible Soccer : European Champions - Limited... Sport 1994 N/C
Shadow Fighter Combat 1995 N/C
Simon The Sorcerer Point & click 1994 N/C
Skeleton Krew Action 1995 N/C
Sleepwalker Plates-formes 1993 N/C
Sleepwalker & Pinball Fantasies Compilation n/c N/C
Soccer Kid Plates-formes 1994 N/C
Soccer Superstars Sport 1995 N/C
Speedball 2 Sport 1995 N/C
Sports Football Sport n/c N/C
Star Crusader Shoot\'em\'Up 1996 N/C
Striker Sport 1994 N/C
Strip Pot Adultes 1994 N/C
Subwar 2050 : Die Unterwasser - Kampfsimulation Simulation n/c N/C
Summer Olympics Sport 1994 N/C
Super League Manager Gestion 1995 N/C
Super Methane Bros Action 1994 N/C
Super Putty Plates-formes 1994 N/C
Super Skidmarks Course 1995 N/C
Super Stardust Shoot\'em\'Up 1995 N/C
Super Street Fighter II Turbo Combat 1996 N/C
Superfrog Plates-formes 1994 N/C
Surf Ninjas Beat\'em\'All 1994 N/C
Syndicate Stratégie 1995 N/C
The Big 6 : Original Dizzy Adventure Games Compilation n/c N/C
The Chaos Engine Action 1993 60%
The Classic Lotus Trilogy Compilation 1994 N/C
The Clue ! Aventure 1994 N/C
The Labyrinth of Time Aventure 1994 N/C
The Lost Vikings : They Just Want To Go Home Plates-formes 1994 N/C
The Seven Gates of Jambala Plates-formes 1994 N/C
The Speris Legacy Jeu de Rôle 1996 N/C
Theme Park Gestion 1995 N/C
Thomas The Tank Engine & Friends Pinball Accessoire 1995 N/C
Top Gear 2 Course 1994 N/C
Total Carnage Action 1994 N/C
Trivial Pursuit : the CD32 Edition Jeu de société 1994 N/C
Trolls Plates-formes 1993 N/C
UFO : Enemy Unknown Stratégie 1994 N/C
Ultimate Body Blows Beat\'em\'All 1994 N/C
Universe Aventure 1994 N/C
Vital Light Puzzle game 1995 N/C
Wembley International Soccer Sport 1994 N/C
Wendetta 2175 Shoot\'em\'Up 1996 N/C
Whale's Voyage Jeu de Rôle 1993 N/C
Whizz Plates-formes 1994 N/C
Wild Cup Soccer Sport 1994 N/C
Will Bridge : Initiation Junior - Practice 1 Jeu de cartes 1994 N/C
Word Construction Set Educatif 1994 N/C
Worms Stratégie 1995 N/C
Zool 2 : He's Back... Plates-formes 1994 N/C
Zool : Ninja of the ''Nth'' Dimension Plates-formes 1993 N/C
- 32X - 3DO - 3DS - Adventure Vision - Amiga - Amiga CD32 - Amstrad-CPC 464 - Amstrad-CPC 6128 - Apple II - Atari 2600 - Atari 5200 - Atari 7800 - Atari ST - Atari XE - CD-i - Channel F - Colecovision - Commodore 64 - DD64 - Dreamcast - DS - e-Reader - Family Computer Disk System - Game and Watch - Game Boy - Game Boy Advance - Game Boy Color - Game Gear - Game Park 32 - GameCube - Gizmondo - GX-4000 - Intellivision - Jaguar - Jaguar CD - Lynx - Mac - Master System - Mega Drive - Genesis - Mega-CD - Sega CD - MSX - N-Gage - Neo Geo - Neo Geo Pocket - Neo Geo Pocket Color - Neo Geo-CD - NES - Famicom - Nintendo 64 - Odyssey - Odyssey2 - PC - PC-Engine CD Rom - PC-Engine Hu-Card - PC-Engine SuperGrafX - Playstation - Pokemon Mini - PS2 - PS3 - PSP - Saturn - SNES - TI-99 4A - TRS-80 - Vectrex - Videopac - Virtual Boy - Wii - Wonderswan - Wonderswan Color - Xbox - Xbox 360